Amazon Vendor Central Glossary

October 5, 2023

1 Week Forecast

Demand forecast for the next 1 week.

4 Week Forecast

Demand forecast for next 4 weeks.

Accepted Confirmation Quantity

Number of units confirmed as Accepted.

Accepted Confirmation Rate %

Percentage calculated by (Accepted Confirmation Quantity) ÷ (Quantity submitted), based on units. For example, if we submit 1000 units for PO A1234567 and line item ASIN ABCDEFGHIJ and 800 units are confirmed as Accepted, then the Accepted Confirmation Rate % is 80%.


Amazon Standard Identification Number, uniquely identifies all products in Amazon’s worldwide catalogue.

ASIN Defect Types


Defect Description
Bullet Points Bad Data
  • Contains HTML tags (such as <b> or <i>) or HTML-Scripting.
  • Contains URL.
Bullet Points Bad Formatting
  • Content is too short (less than 11 characters).
  • Content is too long (more than 200 characters).
  • Excessive punctuation (more than 4 punctuation marks consecutively such as !!!!! or $$#&@).
  • Content is fully in capital letters.
Bullet Points Missing
  • Bullet is missing.
Product Description Bad Data
  • Contains HTML tags (such as <b> or <i>) or HTML-Scripting.
  • Contains URL.
Product Description Bad Formatting
  • Excessive punctuation (more than 4 punctuation marks consecutively such as !!!!! or $$#&@).
  • Content is fully in capital letters.
Product Description Missing
  • Description is missing.
Title Bad Data
  • Contains HTML tags (such as <b> or <i>) or HTML-Scripting.
  • Contains URL.
Title Bad Formatting
  • Excessive punctuation (more than 4 punctuation marks consecutively such as !!!!! or $$#&@).
  • Title is fully in capital letters.
  • Content too long (more than 200 characters).


ASN Coverage %

Percentage calculated by (ASN Units) ÷ (Units Received) during the selected time period. For example, if we received 1000 units from you in January and received ASN information for 700 of these units before they were received, the ASN Coverage % is 70%.

Important: We require ASN information for all shipments to collaborate, operate efficiently, and offer the best experience to our customers.

ASN Units

Total number of units listed in the Advance Shipment Notification (ASN) documents we received during the selected time period. Make sure that you are sending ASN information to us for any shipment. We accept ASN information through EDI messages or Vendor Central (via the ASN or load notification tools).


Displays the name of the author if the item is a book, artist if the item belongs to music product group, or actor if the item belongs to the Video/DVD product groups.

Buy Box

The Add Items to Basket link that the customer clicks on to purchase products.

  • We win the Buy Box when the Add Items to Basket button is present and products you supply us as a vendor are added to the basket after the button is clicked.
  • We lose the Buy Box when the See all buying options link is present rather than the Add Items to Basket button, offering products from third-party sellers.

Backorder Confirmation Quantity

Number of units confirmed as Backordered.

Backorder Confirmation Rate %

Percentage calculated by (Backorder Confirmation Quantity) ÷ (Quantity Submitted), based on units. For example, if we submit 1000 units and 200 units are confirmed as Backordered, then the Backorder Confirmation Rate % is 20%.


Format of an item (for example Hardcover or DVD-Audio).

Brand Code

The brand code of the item.

Cancelled Quantity

Number of units we received during the selected time period that were cancelled earlier from their purchase orders. You should carefully review your confirmed purchase order data to ensure that you only send products listed on the purchase order. You can review any items that are about to be cancelled (or have been cancelled) in your Vendor Central account by using the PO Management tool under the Orders tab.

Important: Our inventory receive process tags these units as a problem receive defect. The units are not available to meet customer demand until the defects are resolved. As a result, this defect causes deterioration in our customer experience, hurts the sales of your products and increases the operational costs.

Cancelled Quantity %

Percentage calculated by (Cancelled Quantity) ÷ (Quantity Submitted) during the selected time period.

Can Replenish Colour/Size

Indicates whether the size/colour combination for this style can be replenished.


Category of the item as defined in the Amazon catalogue.


The colour of the variation.

Customer Ordered Units

Total number of units ordered by the customer over the selected reporting period. This value might not be the same as the Units Shipped to the Customer.

Customer Return Units

Total number of units returned by the customer over the selected reporting period.

Damaged Quantity

Number of units that were damaged when they arrived at an our fulfilment centre.

Important: Our inventory receive tags these units as a problem receive defect. The units are not available to meet customer demand until the defects are resolved. As a result, this defect causes deterioration in our customer experience, hurts the sales of your products and increases the operational costs.

Defect Type (on Product Data Quality report)

Lists the first defect with a note [and more…] when your product has more than one defect associated with it. Click Download to view the report of all the defects associated with your product.

Defect Type (on Vendor Scorecard report)

Type of defect encountered during the receive process:



Defect Type Definition
Bad Barcode The barcode on the item cannot be scanned.
No Barcode There is no physical barcode on the item. The barcode should be UPC/EAN/ISBN/JAN.
Multiple Barcodes There are multiple barcodes on the item that map to different Amazon items.
Item Not Received This is an overage defect. For example, the ASN states 10 units, but the vendor has shipped 12. The extra 2 units classify as overage as they were not listed on the ASN. Since the Amazon Licence Plate (LP) receive process relies on ASN data, overage items will not be received into our system.
Shortage The quantity (number of units) received is less than that specified in the ASN.
SSCC Unknown The ASN data was not sent, or it was sent after the carrier arrived.
Vendor Mis-stickered The barcode on the item does not match the actual item.
Item not linked The item could not be linked to any existing Amazon ASIN.
Item Damaged The item was in an unsellable condition at the time of receipt.
Cancelled We received inventory where either the PO was cancelled or this specific product was cancelled on the PO.
Not on PO We received inventory on a PO that was not on the original PO we created. Either you sent products that were not ordered, or the items were tagged with the wrong PO.
Unconfirmed PO Units were received on a PO that was not confirmed. We require timely confirmations of all PO and advance shipment notices for all shipments.
Wrong FC The PO was shipped to a different Amazon warehouse facility than was listed on the original PO.


Delivery To Receipt (in days)

Average, represented in days, of the time segment from when the your carrier actually arrives at the our fulfilment centre to when the items are received into inventory.

Delivery To Receipt Std Dev (in days)

Variation, represented in days, calculated as the standard deviation of the Delivery to Receipt segment.

Demand (- Week n)

Actual units shipped to the customer during the past n-th week.

Does Item Have Zoom Image ? Yes/No

Indicates if the item has a zoomed image available for viewing by the customer and is only shown for Apparel, Shoes, Jewelry and Sports items.

Drop Shipped Units Received

Total number of ordered units from us that you need to fulfill directly to customers during the selected time period.

Drop Shipped Units Received Cost ($)

Total cost of ordered units from us that you need to fulfill directly to customers during the selected time period.


European Article Number, 13-digit product identifier often represented on products as a barcode.

EOM Open PO Qty

The quantity of open purchase orders, as of the end of the month (EOM).

EOM Sellable On Hand Cost

Cost of the units (inventory) on hand available to be sold, as of the end of the given month.

EOM Sellable On Hand Units

Number of units (inventory) on hand available to be sold, as of the end of the given month.

EOM Unsellable On Hand Cost

Cost of the units (inventory) on hand in unsellable condition, as of the end of the given month.

EOM Unsellable On Hand Units

Number of units (inventory) on hand in unsellable condition, as of the end of the given month.

Forecast (+ n)

Demand forecast for the n-th week from the current week.

Forecast (Current Week)

Demand forecast for the current week.

Freight Term

Freight term specified in the PO. The freight type can be Collect (Amazon owns freight) or Pre-Paid (vendor owns freight).

Fulfilment Centre

Amazon location to which items are delivered.

Fulfilment Centre (on PO Details report)

Amazon fulfilment centre to which the PO must be delivered.

Fulfilment On time %

For Prepaid Freight, this Vendor Scorecard metric measures the percentage of units delivered outside the delivery window defined in the PO header. For Collect Freight, this measures the percentage of units shipped outside of the ship window defined in the PO header.


This is the goal that we set for vendors so that customers will have the best possible experience.

ID Type

Item identification number type for an item such as SKU, UPC, or ISBN.


The product identifier can be ISBN-13, ISBN, UPC, EAN (in EU), JANUARY (in JP), or ASIN.

Inventory Turns

Ratio between cost of goods sold and the average inventory cost.


International Standard Book Number, 10 character industry standard number that is unique for a book.


International Standard Book Number, 13 character industry standard number that is unique for a book.

Item Name

Amazon title or product name.

Items Missing Images

The numbers of items in the catalogue that do not have images.

% Items Missing Images

Percentage of items in the catalogue that do not have images, calculated by (Items Missing Images) ÷ (Total Items in Catalogue). We encourage reducing this percentage because customers tend to buy items with images.

% Items w/o Zoom Image

Percentage of items in the catalogue that do not have zoom image, calculated by items without zoom images ÷ (Total Items in Catalogue). Shown only to Apparel, Jewelry, Shoes and Sports vendors. We encourage reducing this percentage.


Japanese Article Number, 13-digit product identifier often represented on products as a barcode.

List Price

List price of the product.

% Lost Buy Box (LBB)

The percentage page views during which we lost buy box to a third party merchant due to various reasons such as uncompetitive price or being out of stock. We discourage a high % Lost Buy Box. Lowering the % Lost Buy Box indicates the items can be shipped soon and have competitive prices.

This excludes items that are not released yet.

LP Defect Quantity

Quantity of defective licence plate (LP) items identified at receipt, in units.

LP Defect Rate %

Percentage of defective LP items, calculated by (Total LP Defect Quantity) ÷ (Total LP Receive Quantity) during the selected time period.

Manufacturer Name

The name of the manufacturer of the item.

Mfg Model#/Catalogue#

Manufacturer model number or catalogue number.

Month Beginning

Start date of the month.

Non Backorder fulfilment on time %

For Prepaid Freight, this Vendor Scorecard metric measures the percentage of units delivered outside the delivery window defined in the PO header for non back ordered items. For Collect Freight, this metric measures the percentage of units shipped outside of the ship window defined in the PO header for non back ordered items.

% Non-Replenishable LBB due to being Out of Stock

The percentage page views during which we had the item in non-replenishable state and lost buy box to a third party merchant due to being out of stock. We encourage lowering this percentage when compared to % Replenishable LBB due to being Out of Stock because more replenishable stock enables us to win Buy Box and provide more predictable delivery promise to customers.

This excludes items that are not released yet.

% Non-Replenishable LBB due to Price

The percentage page views during which we had the item in a non-replenishable state and lost buy box to a third party merchant due to uncompetitive price.

This excludes items that are not released yet.

% Non-Replenishable Out of Stock

The percentage page views during which the item was Out of Stock and Non-Replenishable, measured over the total page views the item had. We encourage lowering this percentage compared to % Replenishable Out of Stock because more replenishable stock provides a more predictable delivery promise to customers.

This excludes items that are not released yet.

Not on PO Quantity

Number of units that we received against purchase orders where the item was not on the purchase order and was therefore categorized as a problem-receive defect by us, during the selected time period.

These contributing factors lead to high values for this metric:

  • You sent a product that was not on the PO.
  • Item setup defects occurred that caused us to reference the wrong product (based on product identifiers like the UPC or EAN).
  • You referenced the wrong purchase order on the shipment .

Important: Our inventory receive process tags these units as a problem receive defect. The units are not available to meet customer demand until the defects are resolved. As a result, this defect causes deterioration in our customer experience, hurts the sales of your products and increases the operational costs.

Not on PO Quantity %

Percentage calculated by (Not on PO Quantity) ÷ (Units Received) during the selected time period.

On-Hand Units

Total amount of units in our fulfilment centre(s) minus Unsellable and Customer Owned Units.

Open PO Qty

The quantity of open purchase orders against an item.

Order Date

Date of the purchase order.

% Others

The percentage page views on items that:

  • Were in stock with a winning Amazon Retail offer but the offer was not Fast Track eligible.
  • Did not have an offer from Amazon Retail but a third party merchant had an offer.

Overage Quantity

Number of extra units we received in addition to the confirmed units on the purchase order during the selected time period. Our inventory receive process tags this as a problem receive defect. You should carefully review the purchase order information to ensure that you do not ship us more products than what is stated on the purchase order.

Important: Our inventory receive process tags these units as a problem receive defect. The units are not available to meet customer demand until the defects are resolved. As a result, this defect causes deterioration in our customer experience, hurts the sales of your products and increases the operational costs.

Overage Quantity %

Percentage calculated by (Overage Quantity) ÷ (Units Received) during the selected time period.

Overall VLT (in days)

Overall Vendor Lead Time, average time between the submission of each PO unit and the time of receipt in our fulfilment centres, during the selected time period (represented in days). The Overall VLT will not necessarily be equal to the sum of the individual lead time segments shown in the report because not all segments are shown in the report.

Important: This number is a general measure of the inbound supply chain for your reference; however, focusing on Submit to Confirm and Vendor Preparation data will help drive improvements in overall VLT. If you pay and arrange for your freight transfer (prepaid freight terms), work with your carriers to drive improvements in Transit Time data.

Overall VLT Std Dev (in days)

Variation, represented in days, computed as the standard deviation of the time elapsed between the submission of the individual purchase order units and the time of their receipt in our fulfilment centres, during the selected time period.

Important: This number shows the amount of variance occurring in the inbound process. Review Submit to Confirm and Vendor Preparation data to see if they have significant variance and take appropriate steps. If you pay and arrange for your freight transfer (prepaid freight terms), work with your carriers to drive improvements in Transit Time data.

Page View Rank

Rank assigned to a product based on the number of times the customer viewed the product in the selected time period. The product with the highest page view is ranked as 1.

Pick-up Date Compliance %

Measures compliance of product shipment within the ship window we specified on the purchase order and only applies to purchase orders where we pays and arranges for the freight transfer (Collect). Percentage calculated by (ASN Units with Ship Date within the Amazon specified Ship Window) ÷ (Total ASN Units Received where we pay the freight charges) during the selected time period.

Note: Computing compliance excludes any Pre-paid (you pay for freight) purchase orders. In cases where the selected vendor code(s) have both Pre-paid and Collect (we pay freight charges) purchase orders, only the Collect freight purchase orders are considered. If the selected vendor code(s) do not have Collect purchase orders in the selected reporting period, Pick-up Date Compliance displays as N/A.


If present, indicates either the platform (such as operating system) or format (media type).

Parent ASIN

The Amazon product number for this style.


Purchase Order.

PO #

Purchase Order number.

Problem Receive Rate %

Percentage calculated by (Total Problem Receive Quantity) ÷ (Units Received) during the selected time period.

Problem Receive Units

Number of units where we noticed defects in the inbound receive process.

Problem Receive Type

One of the six types of defects that we look for in the inbound receive process:

  • Cancelled
  • Not on PO
  • Overage
  • Damaged
  • Wrong FC
  • Unconfirmed PO

Product Identifier

Item identification number, such as UPC, ISBN, or JAN.

Product Group

Product group as defined in Amazon catalogue, such as Books or DVD.

Quantity Confirmed

Number of units confirmed to be shipped to us, out of the total number of units on purchase orders that we submitted.

Quantity Confirmed (on PO Details report)

Number of units confirmed by the vendor to be shipped to us.

Quantity Submitted

Number of units that we have submitted on purchase orders.

Quantity Submitted (on PO Details report)

Number of units raised on the POs.

Ready To Deliver (in days)

Average number of days from when the carrier indicates the earliest available delivery date to when the carrier actually arrives at the our fulfilment centre.

Ready To Deliver Std Dev (in days)

Variation, represented in days, calculated as the standard deviation of the Ready to Deliver segment.

Receipts ($)

Total cost of the units we received from you during the selected time period.

Received Date

The date on which our fulfilment centre received the items.

Receive Fill Rate %

Percentage calculated by (Unit Received) ÷ (Quantity Confirmed) for the selected time period. For example, if you confirmed 1000 units in January and we received 700 units in January and 200 units in February, then the Receive Fill Rate % at the end of February is 90%.

Release Date/Product Available Date

Date a product is released or is available for customers to purchase.

Replenishment Code/Item Availability

Shipping availability for an item in stock at one of our warehouses or drop shippers.

% Replenishable LBB due to being Out of Stock

The percentage page views during which we had the item in replenishable state and lost buy box to a third party merchant due to being out of stock. We encourages a higher % Replenishable LBB due to being Out of Stock when compared to % Non-Replenishable LBB due to being Out of Stock because more replenishable stock enables us to win Buy Box and provide more predictable delivery promise to customers.

This excludes items that are not released yet.

% Replenishable LBB due to Price

The percentage page views during which we had the item in replenishable state and lost buy box to a third party merchant due to uncompetitive price.

This excludes items that are not released yet.

% Replenishable Out of Stock

The percentage of customer glance views during which the item was Out of Stock but Replenishable, measured over the total customer glance views the item had.

Sellable On Hand Cost

Cost of the units (inventory) on hand available to be sold, as of the end of the given period.

Sellable On Hand Units

Total amount of units in our fulfilment centre(s) minus Unsellable and Customer Owned Units

Sell Through %

Sales percentage of the starting inventory plus any receipts, calculated by (Units Ordered) ÷ [(Sellable On Hand Units) at the start of the period + (Units Received) during the selected time period].

Shipped COGS

Shipped cost of goods sold (COGS) during the selected reporting period.

Shipped Units

Total number of units shipped to the customer during the selected reporting period.


Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is the barcode on the outside of the carton.

Style Number (VPN)

The style number for this variation.


Subcategory of the item as defined in the Amazon catalogue.

Submit To Confirm (in days)

Average, represented in days, of the time segment from the submission of the individual purchase order units to the time of their confirmation, based on the observed transactions during the selected time period. We require the confirmation of purchase orders within 24 hours either through EDI or Vendor Central. Timely confirmations allow our companies to operate together efficiently and make accurate promises to our customers, driving the sales of your products.

Submit To Confirm Std Dev (in days)

Variation, represented in days, computed as the standard deviation of the time segment from the time of the submission of the individual purchase order units to the time of their confirmation, based on the observed transactions during the selected time period. Significant variance in purchase order (PO) confirmation times occurs when you have to manually process line item errors (incorrect product identifiers, pricing, descriptions, or availability) in POs. In addition, confirming POs in batches can lead to large variances and cause defects in downstream processes.

Total Items in Catalogue

The total numbers of items in the catalogue which should equal the number of items that have you as the brand owner.

Total LP Defect Quantity

Total number of defective Licence Plate (LP) units identified during LP receive.

Total LP Receive Quantity

Total number of LP units received at our fulfilment centre.

Total Problem Receive Quantity

For certain types of inbound receipts, we record a defect in the shipment during the receive process in the problem-receive system. We and our vendors review such defects and drive root cause resolution for future shipments. Defects tracked on this report include:


We received inventory on POs where either the PO was cancelled or this specific product was cancelled on the PO.

Not on PO

We received inventory on a PO where it was not on our original PO. This indicates that either you sent us products that were not ordered or you may have improperly tagged them with an incorrect PO.


We received more units of a product than what was ordered and confirmed by you during the PO confirmation stage.


We tagged these units of inventory as damaged during the initial receive process.

Wrong FC

A different Amazon fulfilment centre received the units than the warehouse address indicated on the original PO.

Unconfirmed PO

We received units on a PO which was not confirmed. We require timely confirmations of all PO and advance shipment notices for all shipments.

Important: These problem receive units represent a defect in our receive process which needs to be minimized and eliminated to drive efficiencies in the processes and reduce costs for both our companies. Because these units cannot be shipped to customers until they are resolved, they have a negative impact on customer experience and on your product sales.

Transit Time (in days)

Average, represented in days, of the time segment from the ship-date specified in the Advance Shipment Notification (ASN) to the Carrier Requested Delivery Date (CRDD), based on the observed transactions during the selected time period.

Transit Time Std Dev (in days)

Variation, represented in days, computed as the standard deviation of the time segment from the ship-date specified in the Advance Shipment Notification (ASN) to the Carrier Requested Delivery Date (CRDD), based on the observed transactions during the selected time period.

Unconfirmed PO Quantity

Number of units received on an unconfirmed purchase order. We require timely confirmations of all purchase orders and advance shipment notices for all shipments.

Important: Because these units are not expected in the fulfilment centre, exception handling leads to higher than planned labor costs, delays in receipt, and overstock issues.

Unconfirmed PO Quantity %

Percentage calculated by (Unconfirmed PO Quantity) ÷ (Units Received) during the selected time period.

Unfilled Customer Ordered Units

The number of units that have been ordered (or pre-ordered) but have not yet shipped.

Units Confirmed in 24 hours

Number of units confirmed within 24 hours of the PO being raised.

Units Confirmed in 24 hours %

Percentage calculated by (Units Confirmed in 24 hours) ÷ (Quantity Confirmed) during the selected time period. For example, if we submit 100 units of an item and 90 are confirmed within 24 hours, then the Units Confirmed in 24 hours % is 90%. We require the confirmation of purchase orders within 24 hours either through EDI or Vendor Central. Timely confirmations allow our companies to operate together efficiently and make accurate promises to our customers, driving the sales of your products.

Units Received

Total number of units that we received from you during the selected time period.

Units Received (on PO Details report)

Total number of units received at our fulfilment centres during the time period from PO Confirmation to the date mentioned in the report.

Unsellable On Hand Cost

Cost of the units (inventory) on hand in unsellable condition, as of the end of the given period.

Unsellable On Hand Units

The number of units in our fulfilment centre(s) classified as having sufficient damage to render them unsuitable for sale upon arrival at our facilities.

Vendor Buy Box Fast Track

An item is said to be Fast Track if a delivery promise can be given to a customer who views the item on and we win the buy button. A delivery promise can be issued only if the items are on hand or if the items can be procured in a short, predictable time, based on past procurement.

% Vendor Buy Box Fast Track

Percentage of customer glance views that have a Fast Track offer on the Detail Page Buy Box. To have a Fast Track offer, inventory must be at our fulfilment centre (or be manufactured on demand) AND be able to receive a Fast Track Delivery Promise to the customer. This is typically represented by a message on the detail page that states Want it delivered Tuesday Dec 19th? Order in the next xx hours and xx minutes.

Not yet released items are not counted as Fast Track, unless they are in the Release Date Delivery Programme (RDD). Not-in-stock items, FBA (even if it is the primary offer) and Offer Listing Page offers (see all buying options) do not count as Fast Track.

% Vendor Replenishable Buy Box Fast Track

Percentage of fast track customer glance views on replenishable items measured over total customer glance views on replenishable items. To have a Fast Track offer, inventory must be at our fulfilment centre (or be manufactured on demand) AND be able to receive a Fast Track Delivery Promise to the customer. This is typically represented by a message on the detail page that states Want it delivered Tuesday Dec 19th? Order in the next xx hours and xx minutes

Not yet released items are not counted as Fast Track, unless they are in the Release Date Delivery Programme (RDD). Not-in-stock items, FBA (even if it is the primary offer) and Offer Listing Page offers (see all buying options) do not count as Fast Track.

Vendor Prep Time Std Dev (in days)

Variation, represented in days, computed as the standard deviation of the time segment from the confirmation of the purchase order units to the ship-date specified in the Advance Shipment Notice (ASN), based on the observed transactions during the selected time period. Purchase order units confirmed as BackOrders are included in the computation of this metric. Long or variable vendor preparation times may result from not using backorder codes correctly. Understanding when products will ship or deliver to us is fundamental to the promise of shipment we make to our customers.

Vendor Units Received

Quantity of units received from the vendor during the specified time period.

% Views on Non-Replenishable Items

Displayed only to books vendors, percentage calculated by (customer glance views on items coded as non-replenishable) ÷ (total customer glance views to your items). These might be good titles to move to a manufacture-on-demand process as customers are still interested in these items.

% Views on Unpublished Items

Percentage calculated by (customer glance views on not yet published items) ÷ (total customer glance views to your items).


Amazon Warehouse ID, also known as fulfilment centre (FC).

Wrong FC Quantity

Number of units we received in a warehouse facility against a purchase order that was ordered to a different Amazon warehouse address. We tagged these as an inbound problem receive defect because they were not expected in that warehouse address and may need to be transferred or ordered again to the intended warehouses. It also requires manual resolution causing significant delays in the inventory receive process.

Important: Our inventory receive process tags these units as a problem receive defect. The units are not available to meet customer demand until the defects are resolved. As a result, this defect causes deterioration in our customer experience, hurts the sales of your products and increases the operational costs.

Wrong FC Quantity %

Percentage calculated by (Wrong FC Quantity) ÷ (Units Received) during the selected time period.


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About the Author

James Wakefield is an Amazon Vendor expert and the founder of WAKE Commerce.

Having been involved in the internet since year dot (com), James established WAKE in 2015 to share his passion for data, branding and online retail strategy.

Since then, WAKE has helped leading consumer brands build a more profitable relationship with Amazon, navigate the many complexities of the platform and scale their business on the world’s biggest marketplace.

With a particular focus on Vendor Central, James consults with scaling businesses that want to make Amazon work for their brand.